Show HN: AI-powered contract analysis in minutes


1 points by fistondev 8 hours ago | 1 comment

Simple Metrics is a tool that uses advanced AI to analyze contracts quickly and accurately. We're aiming to revolutionize the legal tech space by:

- Leveraging AI to spot potential risks and opportunities in contracts - Significantly reducing legal costs through automation - Completing contract reviews in minutes instead of hours - Improving compliance by ensuring contracts meet regulatory requirements

We've built this using Next.js, React, and TailwindCSS on the frontend, with a robust AI backend for contract analysis.

fistondev 8 hours ago |

As a freelance developer, I found myself spending countless hours poring over client contracts, often feeling overwhelmed and unsure. One night, after a particularly frustrating 3-hour contract review session, I thought, "There has to be a better way."

That's when the idea for SimpleMetrics was born. I imagined a tool that could do what I was doing manually, but faster and more thoroughly. I wanted something that could highlight risks, point out opportunities, and explain complex clauses in simple terms.

Over the next few months, I poured my heart into developing SimpleMetrics. I combined my coding skills with the latest in AI technology to create a tool that I wish I had when I started freelancing.

SimpleMetrics isn't just a product; it's a solution to a problem I personally faced. It's designed to give freelancers, small business owners, and anyone dealing with contracts the confidence to understand what they're signing.

I'm excited to share SimpleMetrics HN community and hear your thoughts. Whether you're a freelancer, startup founder, or just someone who wants to understand contracts better, I hope SimpleMetrics can save you time and stress like it has for me.